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*Separated joints between the bones of the skull (sutures)

*Single crease in the palm of the hand

*Small ears

*Small mouth

*Upward slanting eyes

What are the features of Down syndrome?

People with Down syndrome have some distinctive facial and physical features, medical problems and cognitive impairments.

How does Down syndrome affect the person?

They may have medical problems, too, such as heart defects. Kids with Down syndrome usually have trouble learning and are slower to learn how to talk and take care of themselves.

One in 98.6% of people have Down syndrome

Down syndrome is not rare.

Down syndrome is common that it occurs in 1 in 830 newborns.

Medications are indicated only for symptomatic treatment of pain.

The life expectancy for people with Down syndrome is 55.

Treatment~ child born with a gastrointestinal blockage may need major surgery immediately after birth.
Obesity can become a problem for older children and adults. Getting plenty of activity and avoiding high-calorie foods are important.
Behavioral training can help people with Down syndrome and their families deal with the frustration, anger, and compulsive behavior that often occur.

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Down syndrome

By Danielle Grello