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Each round has 5 minutes. The game has 3 teams, 2 opposing teams and 1 team to distract. Each team has 5 players. The Distractors are the "aliens", each alien has two balls to throw at players. If hit by a ball, the hit player has to go back to the beginning base. The 2 teams (One is the US, One is Russia) are to go against each other.
Goal: use the materials given to successfully cross to the other side. Remember, DO NOT TOUCH THE GROUND, YOU WILL FLOAT AWAY AND HAVE TO RESTART THE COURSE. The whole team has to go on opposing base in order to win. The safe havens are the mats, bases and hula hoops. Also, the aliens have to be on the outer rims of the grounds to throw the ball. You can only use the hula hoops on one half of the court for that half only. This way, you use the safe haven mats too. In event of a tie, add 2 extra minutes only!


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Space Race Ideaboard

By AgentNS

A new and fun game for all Phys. Ed. Classes!