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Guerrilla warfare is a form of irregular warfare in which a small group of combatants, that use military tactics, ambushes, sabotage,raids, hit and run, and mobility to fight a larger and less mobile traditional military.

- South Vietnam, was the main fighting ground for guerrilla warfare, the jungles and river deltas gave guerrilla fighters(Mekong) advantages over Americans.
- Vietcong guerrilla fighters, used the tactic to sneak up on the U.S. Troops.
-Often they would pose as citizens or farmers, and surprise U.S. Troops.

How Guerrilla Warfare Was Used

-Ho Cho Minh(Vietnamese Marxist Revolutionary Leader)had a 200 mile long tunnel system to aid guerrilla fighters to move place to place.

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Duarte SlideDoc Template #2

By Charlie