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Why do people hurt themselves emotionally and physically

People who hurt themselves come from all walks of life, no matter their age, gender, race, or ethnicity. About 1 in 100 people hurts himself or herself on purpose. More females hurt themselves than males. Teens usually hurt themselves by cutting with sharp objects.

Teens who hurt themselves often keep their feelings bottled up inside and have a hard time letting their feelings show. Some teens who hurt themselves say that feeling the pain provides a sense of relief from intense feelings. Cutting can relieve the tension from bottled up sadness or anxiety. Others hurt themselves in order to “feel.” Often people who hold back strong emotions can begin feeling numb, and cutting can be a way to cope with this because it causes them to feel something. Some teens also may hurt themselves because they want to fit in with others who do it. wasaaa ma people

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Emotions affecting our Health

By Victoria