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In 1995, Ray Santilli claimed he had film of an alien autopsy. Santilli said it was one of the Roswell Greys from 1947 that was shown in the footage.

There are exceptions but by far the majority of sightings fall within the general remit of what we would, these days call ‘Greys’. Almost everyone in the world could describe a grey alien. Such individuals are usually thought of as being humanoid in form, though generally smaller than modern humans, with shorter legs and longer arms. Greys are invariably described as being naked, devoid of hair, sexless and, not surprisingly, greyish or sometimes green in colour. Greys have larger heads than human beings, with extremely large, almond shaped eyes, though their other facial features are less defined. Instead of ears or noses they tend to have only holes and their mouths are usually described as being small.

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By Nonos