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Education and Unite of the population

China has the largest education system in the world and most of their students go through a test called Gao Kao, which is a National Higher Education Entrance Exanmination, and 4% of China's GDP go to this test which tells us that China is educating its people well.

China has a group of people that are not very well united with its government. Many people in China and people from foreign countries now knows that because China has been so famous for their spying(?) of their own people. Therefore from this we can know that the population in China is not well united.

This is important because with the people being more knowledgeable it means more helpful people being provided in the country.

People being united is important to the country because when hard times come it will be easier for the government to control their people but since China do not unite, it will be harder to receive it's peoples respect or help.

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Balances of Power(China)

By Heesoo_ Kim

Made by Heesoo Kim