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Artist: Octave Tessaert

Title: Heaven and Hell

Date: 1850

Medium: oil on canvas

Provenance: Musée Fabre ( Montpellier France)


Describe: a mountain of bodes, some seem dead and some look suffering. Colors being used are muted blues, reds, yellows and browns. The people form the shape of a triangle leading to heaven. The bottom half is dark and gloomy while the top is bright.

Analyze: value changes drastically from top to bottom with dark to light creating contrast. The line of light on the left side of the mountain leads the eye from bottom to top; he suffering in hell to the bliss in heaven. Primary colors are used; red, yellows, and mainly blue. Form is used in a way that creates a 3D effect, where the bodies in the front of the painting seem larger than the ones toward the top. The balance is symmetrical because the pyramid shape of the people is in the center of the painting, making the balance equal. 

Interpret: because the eye of the viewer runs from bottom to top, and the top being heaven, shows the desire of people in hell to be in heaven. It shows suffering and torture due to their wrong choices. the people creating a pyramid symbolizes the longing for peace and renewal. the light source crates a dramatic effect emphasizing the people trying to get to heaven. The mood of drama is set with the dark colors and light colors.

Judge: the painting gives us a point of view of the suffering and torture in hell. I believe this is a strong statement accurately conceived by the artists expressive intent by using different colors, shape, and the feeling of desire. therefore i believe the painting is a strong statement  thoughroughly conveyed in art.

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Religion in art

By Maddy