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Temples of Islam



The people of Islam worship to their gods in religious buildings called mosques or Masjid.
Before entering any mosque the worshippers must take off their shoes, they must also carry out a ritual wash, called Wudhu.
The main room in the mosque is mainly empty, with hardly any furniture. There are no pictures of Allah or Muhammed.
The worshippers sit on the ground. Everywhere on the floor is equal
In one of the walls there is a alcove, or Mihrab which points to Mecca

Dome of the Rock

It was built in Jerusalem, Israel, in 687-691.
The Dome of the Rock was built on the rock from which Muhammed ascended to Heaven. The same rock that Abraham used to offer his son Isaac as sacrifice. The dome is built in an octagon shape, with a distinctive gold dome. It is the oldest Islamic building to survive

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Architecture Islam golden age

By Pietro