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-Bedrooms in boarding houses offered little or no privacy
-usually between four and six women shared a room
-sometimes two women had to share a double bed.
-These dwellings housed 20 to 40 people and contained a kitchen, a dining room and parlor, a keeper’s quarters, and up to ten bedrooms.
-Room and board costs, which ranged from $1.25 to $1.50 per week
-workers received three meals a day, limited laundry service, and a bed in a shared room.
-they all dined together in a common room.
-Six days a week earned a factory girl between $5 and $9
-average factory worker was making about $18.
-They were between fifteen to thirty years old, but might be as young as ten years old
-The factories made textiles, rubber products, chemicals, machine parts, foodstuffs, shoes, and plastics.

living conditions...

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Mill life

By Kianna