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Kay Bailey Hutchison

1.She was a lawyer, first women to be elected to the House of Representatives, and she was a one of the 30 most powerful women in America
2. She was a treasurer of Texas, she was a U.S senator, she was the vice chair person of the senate republican conference, she was the chair person of the senate republican policy committee, she was on the appropriations committee, she was a ranking member of the comers science and transportation committee, and she was on the committee of rules and administration.
3. Popular, enabled her to get things done in committee and work with the senate, and she also had more than 4 million votes
Loyal, she was loyal to her friends, and that allowed her to broke her deals that would benefit the Republican Party and the state of Texas.
4. She worked on bail outs and financial reforms for Texas, she worked for oil and gas laws that benefited Texas. As well as being a big conservationist. She worked for the construction of military bases and veterans affairs.

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Texas leaders

By Colasso