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There are many fine places to eat during your trip, including...

🔴Split in Half
Learn about divergent boundaries while stopping to take a bite to eat some yummy food items that have all been cut in half, like the continents that have been separated by divergent boundaries and convection current!

Enjoy a feast of delicious foods from around the world, when you don't have to walk at all! Using the super speed divergent boundaries, all the continents in this restaurant are smushed together, after being pulled away from each other by divergent boundaries and eventually crashing into each other again, like in real life they would happen in 250 million years!

🔴Best Buffet in The World
Chomp down on yummy foods on this movable buffet. It works like sea floor spreading, so the foods that are older and not as appealing anymore are at the ends of the conveyor belt, while new yummy foods that have just been heated up are right in the middle for you to taste! This process is similar to convention current in the mantle and lithosphere!

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The Terrific Tectonic Plates Trip

By Jessica