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American Dream

To many, the American Dream was just that, a dream. It was too far off for many to reach. Gatsby's dream of returning to the past with his one love is long gone. The song "Fell In Love With a Girl" by the White Stripes has a very common theme to Gatsby. The song quotes "fell in love once and almost completely, she's in love with the world". Gatsby was in love with Daisy and she with him, but Daisy loved her world and all the people on her side of the Sound, she couldn't wait for him. The emotional tone of this song is torn between letting go and diving in. Gatsby might not be debating the same thing because he is forced to let go. "All love is fleeting", Gatsby knows all too well how fast love can slip out of his hands and as much as he doesn't want that to happen, it does. They've realized that love is hard, and difficult. Its not right for them at this new point in their lives and it falls apart in front of them, just like the crumpling of the American Dream at the end of the twenties.

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The Great Gatsby Clair Lynch

By Clair Lynch