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7 Most important interior design principles

Interior design is the process of shaping the experience of interior space.

Unity and harmony- not all the interior design elements have to be the same, but they should work together.

Creating balance is about making sure the visual accessories in a room compliment and are visually evenly weighted to all of their counterparts

Balance can be described as the equal distribution of visual weight in a room. There are three styles of balance: symmetrical,asymmetrical and radial.

Focal point: Is the point of the room where all the attention is drawn.

Focal point: A Focal point must be the dominant to draw attention and interesting enough to encourage the viewer to look further.

Rhythm: is the regular repetition of elements in a room.

Rhythm: rhythm is defined as continuity,recurrence or organized movement. There are parts of rhythm like: repetition,progression,transition and contrast.

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The principles of design

By Akshitabhatia