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Time period:1944

1944 Pacific Theater

09/15 Fri. 1st Marine Division (Maj. Gen. W. H. Rupertus) lands at Peleliu, Palau Islands.
09/17 Sun. Army troops land on Angaur, Palau Islands, supported by carrier-based aircraft and naval gunfire

09/21 Thu. Aircraft from 12 carriers (Vice Adm. M. A. Mitscher) commence 2-day attack against Japanese shipping and airfields on Luzon, P. I.

09/24 Sun. Aircraft from 12 carriers (Vice Adm. M. A. Mitscher) attack aircraft, ground installations, and shipping in the Visayas, P. I.

09/28 Thu. Marines occupy Ngesebus and Kongauru Islands in the Palau Islands, under cover of naval aircraft and gunfire support.

10/08 Sun. Land-based aircraft from the Marianas Islands increase tempo of air strikes on Iwo Jima, Volcano Islands.

10/10 Tue. Aircraft from fast carrier task force (Vice Adm. M. A. Mitscher) composed of 17 carriers, escorted by 5 battleships, 14 cruisers, and 58 destroyers bomb Japanese shipping and shore facilities on Okinawa and other islands in the Ryukyus.

10/11 Wed. Aircraft from two carrier task groups (Vice Adm. J. S. McCain and Rear Adm. R. E. Davison) attack airfields and other enemy facilities in northern Luzon, P. I.

10/12 Thu. Carrier-based aircraft from Third Fleet (Adm. W. F. Halsey) commence 5-day attack against enemy shipping, airfield facilities, and industrial plants on Formosa and northern Luzon, P. I. These strikes meet with intensive counterattacks by Japanese aircraft.

10/13 Fri. Peleliu Island in the Palau Islands is secured.

10/15 Sun. Aircraft from carrier task group (Rear Adm. R. E. Davison) bomb targets in the Manila area, Luzon, P. I.

10/17 Tue. Aircraft from carrier task group (Rear Adm. R. E. Davison bomb Japanese airfields on Luzon, P. I.

Army troops are landed on Suluan and Dinagat Islands at the entrance to Leyte Gulf, P. I.

10/18 Wed. Aircraft from three task groups of the Third Fleet (Adm. W. F. Halsey), including 13 carriers, attack Japanese installations and shipping in northern Luzon and the Manila area, P. I.

Cruiser task group (Rear Adm. J. B. Oldendorf) bombards enemy shore installations on Leyte, P. I. Army troops land on Homonhon Island at the entrance to Leyte Gulf, P. I.

10/19 Vice Adm. Onishi of the Japanese Philippine First Air Fleet activates the Kamikaze Corps for suicide raids on U.S. Naval shipping.

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Battle of Leyte Gulf

By Bibeau