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10 Things I believe about Life

1. Everybody, no matter what is good or has good in their hearts

2. People are entitled to what ever they want to be and others should be more supportive and accepting of those choices

3. People should aspire to be : confident, compassionate, be humble, generous and accepting as a whole.

4. I'm not too sure what I believe in, in terms of religion. I'd rather be more educated when I decide, but I do believe in God .

5. Passion and love are both necessary to experience love

6. The world is an extremely beautiful place in its natural state

7. I believe that if I have motivation I cam accomplish a lot

8. What most people think of you is not important, be a good person for yourself and the people in your life that do matter

9. Words, music, and love seem to have a profound effect on myself

10. Gods love is unconditional

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By Sydni Stewart