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The Soccer Educator's profile

  • Our coaching style is a mark of our presentation abilities, and successful presenters are very aware of their style. Here we take a look at five coaching styles. No one style is the de facto standard. It is too simplistic to say this is the style we should aim for. Our style is made up of many factors. However it is possible to enhance the positives and reduce the negatives, smoothing our rough edges and polishing our best attributes. Achieving a style that is honest, personal, fitting your character and personality is key to successful communication. Take a look at the following, reflect a little, see what excites, what deflates. Box the bad, spit & polish the good. I have also included a short recap of what we do as coaches to help you when considering styles. Off we go.

  • Good communicators have been tweeting since long before Twitter. However, until Twitter arrived, never have so few words affected so many people in such a short space of time. This Flowboard applies tweets (concise messages) to your training and most importantly your game day player communications. There are times when 'calling it like you see it', is necessary. Together we can make a difference. Together we can create environments which feed the needs of our children, our players. Together we can work toward creating a better future. It's a choice. Be brave. Rant over. @soccermentor

  • What is a LEADER? Am I a LEADER? Are people willing to follow me? Lift the hood. Finely tuned engine, or something else?

  • At our clubs the programs we offer in support of our curriculum are of great importance. It is worthwhile taking time to really analyse what we offer and how these programs fit into the larger picture. At different clubs our programs will vary dependent on many factors, so what may work 'here' may not work 'there'. Consider your club, its culture, environment, size, gender, player ages, quality of play, ratio of practices to games etcetera, etc. All are factors that impact how we may plan and target our sessions. To gain the greatest benefit, affect the most players, teams and coaches begin with the end in mind. What outcomes are we after, improved technique, tactics, socialisation?What? What? What? Think! Think! THINK! O.K. Review this flowboard and come up with ten programs that are pertinent to your club & with good planning you can calendar for the next year. Ready, set, GO....

  • Available For; Coaching--Mentoring--Advocacy--Consultation--Press--Media--Coach--Player--Parent--Organisation--League--Academy--Club--Squad--Team--Group

  • Aimed at first time youth coaches. Don't be afraid we have all been there at one time. As your players learn you will learn also. At its core, COACHING is about people, social interaction and leading discovery. So, as you take your first steps as a coach, worry less about the mechanics of activities, tactics and methodology. Let your players discover the game, let them play, let them feel, smell, hear, speak, watch and immerse themselves in this quite brilliant game. The game of Football. For a new coach good practice is can appear difficult to achieve. So, here are a few pointers to help you on your way. Get it right early, achieve more sooner. You are only as good as you allow yourself to become. Go for it! AND..........Thanks for being a coach, you are a STAR.

  • Theory of childhood cognitive development. Take this for a ride. Keep on truckin'.

  • A simple flowboard to ask how others see you. Take five minutes to look at yourself. A little reflection can travel a long way. Take time to reflect now. I knew it, you're looking good :-)

  • What particular qualities do each of our players bring to our squad? A players individual qualities add to the collective. However, we should be mindful of these qualities and make every effort to keep a workable balance in our squads. Let's ask ourselves......How may I enhance my players personal qualities and add value to my players individual development whilst enhancing my squads development? If we can crack this nut early in the development cycle it will benefit everyone long term.

  • As a coach, what qualities do you possess? Do your qualities suit your present coaching role? Is there anything you can do to enhance your strengths and nullify your weaknesses? When self-analysing, be honest, the payback will be far more rewarding. Oh, by the way, don't be too hard on yourself. Accept your findings, move on and improve. Good stuff!