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RBrooks' profile

  • Identifying the PRIMES (P) from the NO-PRIMES (NP) from the pool of ODD numbers is a matter of separation, as one defines the other. Amongst a list of all the ODD numbers (≥3), one may reveal ALL the PRIMES (P) simply be identifying ALL the NO-PRIMES (NP). Two new methods: 1.) algebraic and 2.) algebraic geometry — identify ALL the NP from any list of sequential ODD numbers.

  • While “hidden” on the BIM (BBS-ISL Matrix), the PRIMES form PPsets — pairs — whose members lie in equal, symmetrical steps on either side of the EVENS number that has been divided by 2. This geometric, embedded pattern on the BIM can be presented as the PTOP: Periodic Table Of PRIMES. Here, these PPsets form the EVENS. The PPsets become “Trails” of PPsets, that increasingly overlap such that more than one PPset is present to compose a given EVEN. In doing so, they satisfy and prove the Goldbach Conjecture!

  • While “hidden” on the BIM (BBS-ISL Matrix), the PRIMES form PPsets — pairs — whose members lie in equal, symmetrical steps on either side of the EVENS number that has been divided by 2. This geometric, embedded pattern on the BIM can be presented as the PTOP: Periodic Table Of PRIMES. Here, these PPsets form the EVENS. The PPsets become “Trails” of PPsets, that increasingly overlap such that more than one PPset is present to compose a given EVEN. In doing so, they satisfy and prove the Goldbach Conjecture!

  • A simple introduction to the wonders of two simple geometries that coalesce into the formation of spacetime(s): TPISC: The Pythagorean — Inverse Square Connection. The Pythagorean Triples —a.k.a. the Pythagorean Triangles — are ubiquitously inter-connected with the Inverse Square Law, as seen on the BBS-ISL Matrix. Together, they inform the unveiling spacetime that makes up the cosmos.