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Inspiring Flow Stories: Kentucky Entrepreneurs Hall of Fame

A few weeks ago, we sent out an email to all of our FlowVella friends requesting your submissions for your successful creations. We know that you have amazing small businesses, classrooms, projects, and causes that you share in the Flows that you make… so why shouldn’t we showcase them? We are starting a new “Inspiring…

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Presenter Notes, Presenter Display and Auto Advance

Today we’re introducing a few of our brand new features in the 1.1 FlowVella for Mac update: Presenter Notes, Presenter Display and Auto Advance (Autoplay)! We’ve heard from many of you that you often use FlowVella to present in front of a live audience and want a way to present in a timely and organized…

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How to Create a Navigation Bar in FlowVella

You’ve probably seen some of our Flows that feature custom navigation bars, like our Beauty Template, or in the Dale Radio Flow in the catalog. But did you know you can easily create replicate this on any Flow you create? Today we’re going to show you how easy it is to add this feature to any Flow you own!…

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How to Create a Website From Your Flow with Domain Masking

You probably have seen that you can embed your Flow on your blog or website… but did you know you can also create a website from a Flow? If you own a domain name already, it’s pretty easy. Follow our instructions below (especially if you use GoDaddy, but this will work with other domain providers…

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Featuring Exuberant Animal’s “Beautiful Practice: Movement Sequence”

Exuberant Animal is a company run by Frank Forencich, an internationally recognized expert on health and human performance. Forencich has spoken at The Mountaineers, Institute of Design at Stanford University, University of Wisconsin Integrative Medicine, and more! In “Beautiful Practice: Movement Sequence”, Forencich used our link to website feature to direct people to buy four of his…

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Interactive Presentations for Active Learners

Traditional presentations are outdated for today’s modern student. Interactive presentations give instructors a way to create lessons that let students fully explore ideas and concepts and help active learners. FlowVella provides solutions to many problems instructors are facing today: View on FlowVella – Presentation software for iPad #1: Scattered Documents and Resources When working on an assignment,…

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Education Templates with Common Core Standards

We’re excited to share with you the complete collection of Education Templates (so far) that launched with FlowVella Education last week! Most of these templates integrate Common Core standards, which can be used for your students. We also have downloadable rubrics for assessment for most of the templates. We would love your feedback on these templates and…

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The Generation Gap in the Tablet Creation Consumption Debate

The following was originally posted on Xconomy‘s Xconomist Forum. The Generation Gap in the Tablet Creation Consumption Debate The iPad launched in March of 2010 starting the modern tablet era and the debate about what tablets are best for: creation or consumption. While the iPad dominated tablet sales through 2012, in the last couple of…

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All Premium Templates are Free! (Limited Time)

In celebration of the FlowVella Mac Contest we launched this week, we’d like to offer all registered users of FlowVella,  premium templates for FREE! To take advantage of this special offer, just launch the iPad or Mac app, tap on the Create New Flow plus sign button, and then tap “Choose” on the template you’d like…