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One night, Rochester calls Jane down to discuss her artwork but end up talking about themselves and Adele's mother. Rochester and Jane discuss in detail CĂ©line Varens and how Adele became Rochester's ward. Just as Jane was about to go to bed, she hears a demoniac laugh that frightens her. Jane leaves her room to investigate and notices smoke coming from Rochester's room. She immediately sees the fire and rushes to get water to save Rochester's life. Jane believes the suspect is Grace Poole. The next morning, the household is just as usual. The servants believe that Rochester had fallen asleep with the candle lit, which caused the fire. When Jane finally discovers her feelings for Rochester, she is told Rochester has to leave for Leas. Mrs. Fairfax tells Jane about the beautiful Blanche Ingram, who Rochester fancies. Ten days later, Rochester returns with Ingram and many guests. During the party, Jane observes that Rochester and Blanche might be married soon, but they truly do not love each other. The next day when Rochester is out of the house, Richard Mason stops by. He explains to Jane about Rochester's life in the West Indies.


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Jane Eyre Chapter Presentation

By Rachel