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💪Immune Defense👊

What types of non-specific immunity can protect you from this pathogen?
-The best way to prevent it is through vaccinations. The childhood vaccine is called DTaP. The whooping cough booster vaccine for adolescents and adults is called Tdap. Both DTaP and Tdap protect against whooping cough, tetanus, and diphtheria.

How to fight it?
-Cases of whooping cough should be treated with prescription antibiotics. A visit to the doctor is essential. It’s also crucial to keep the whooping cough vaccination up to date with occasional boosters. A doctor will test to make sure that specific bacteria are present, so proper treatment can begin.

What are the 5 types of leukocytes?
1) Neutrophil: Neutrophils have a tendency to stick to the blood vessel walls and block any germs that attempt to enter the bloodstream through an infection or a wound.
2) Lymphocytes: Lymphocytes produce antibodies as a part of the immune system response. The antibodies are secreted into the blood plasma to act against harmful bacteria and toxins.
3) Monocytes: Monocytes perform the role of tissue macrophages that eliminate foreign particles and act against the multiplication of germs that cannot be successfully combated by the neutrophils.
4) Eosinophils: The key function of eosinophils is to act against parasites and any antigen complex present in the bloodstream. These cells are also known to be the cause of many types of allergic responses within the blood.
5) Basophils: Basophils secrete antibodies and anticoagulants. This limits any hypersensitive reactions within the blood.

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Company EPK (Electronic Press Kit)

By Munsha Merchant

Whooping Cough