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Theme: Love

Describe: the painting shows two people, a man and a woman, laying on a stack of hay. They are laying on each other and there is a horse in the background.

Analyze: The painting is dominated by with yellow and blue. In the sky the brush strokes look almost like dabs while in the hay there are sharp,straight and short lines. All the hay is yellow and the sky and the people are blue. There are a lot of swaying and gentle lines in the hay and in the people clothes which brings your attention to them because most of the other lines are sharp and short.

Interpet: I think the soft and swaying lines symbolize that love is gentle. I think the dull and gentle colors show that love is peaceful and content unlike the harsh color in the background. I also think that the people laying together shows the affection they have for each other.

Siesta, Van Gogh

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Theme project Laney Rodriguez

By Laney