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Gatsby- a newly wealthy Midwesterner who orders his life around one desire to be with Daisy Buchanan, his love he lost five years earlier. His journey for the American dream has him go from poverty to wealth, into the arms of his love and, eventually, to death.

The Great Gatsby (newer movie)

Nick Carraway-The narrator. Nick rents the small house next to Gatsby's mansion and, helps Gatsby reunite with Daisy (who just so happens to be Nick's cousin). Nick's Midwestern judgement finds the East very unsettling, and eventually goes back to the suburbs of the Midwest.

Daisy Buchanan- Mezmerizingly beautiful, Her privileged upbringing in Louisville has taught her to a certain lifestyle, which Tom, her husband, is able to provide her. She get attention from men, especially Gatsby, with her soft nature and sultry voice. She is the object of Gatsby's desire, and represents women of a top social class.

Tom Buchanan- Daisy's brute of a husband. Tom comes from an old, wealthy Chicago family and takes pride in his rough ways. He demands attention through his outspoken (even racist at times) behavior. He leads a life of luxury, playing polo, riding horses, and driving fast cars. He has had many affairs since his marriage. Myrtle Wilson is just the woman of the moment for Tom.

Pammy Buchanan- Toddler daughter of Tom and Daisy. Hardly is mentioned of her and she represents the children of the Jazz Age. She has very little parental contact, but reading you are always aware that she is their.

Jordan Baker- Pro golfer. Friend of Daisy's who, represents women of a certain class. Jordan is a young, single woman of wealth, admired by men wherever she goes. She dates Nick, but seems offended when he is the first man not to fall for her like all others. She comes off as somewhat shallow in her approach to life.

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Simple Deck

By WarPaintSara