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There are many unknown things about the ancient civilization of the Mayans. The main home of the Mayans was located in Southern Mexico and it covered all the land and reached into Northern South America. The civilization was split into two geographical parts, the highlands to the south, and the lowlands to the north. The highlands were very mountainous and contained a very cool climate. The lowlands were covered with very dense jungles and thick brush. The humid climate of the lowlands let certain plants and foods grow that couldn't grow in the highlands. The Classic Period of Maya civilization was a time of when large and major cities began to develop. Cities such as Tikal, Copán, Palenque, Uxmal, and Chichén Itzá were established. Each city was led by a different Mayan god or king. Each city became a center for religion and trade. Each city had many temples, pyramids, and architecture that were dedicated to the gods. All of the major cities had a large pyramid in the center of the city with the residential structures surrounding it. Just like modern cities, the Mayan cities had activities and games for the citizens to participate in. Each city had a ball court that was used for political, leisure, and religious purposes. The Mayans played a particular game in this court believing that it would maintain balance in the world around them.

Cultural Life

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The Mayas

By Ginger1968