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1. Cross contamination is what happens when bacteria from one food item, often by way of unwashed cutting boards or unwashed knives est.

What is cross contamination


2. To prevent cross contamination requires good food safety habits, such as frequent washing of hands, utensils, cutting boards, and work surfaces.

3. You can prevent cutting board cross contamination by color coding your cutting boards.

4. The symptoms of cross contamination can take up to 8 hours.

5. Some of the symptoms are nausea, vomiting, stomach pains, diarrhea, feeling weak, est.

6. The most common foods that trigger cross contamination are chicken, meat, seafood, eggs, cooked rice, ham, est.

7. There are two different types of cross contamination, direct and indirect.

8. You should store food in the refrigerator by the cooking temperature. The highest temperature goes on the bottom shelf and the lowest temperature on the top shelf.

9. When you go to the grocery store you bag your meat and vegetables in different bags.

10. You can cut veggies or ready to eat foods then cut raw foods with the same knife and cutting board without cross contaminating the food.

Cross contamination

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Cross contamination

By marlen rotschy