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Erosion Weathering

Erosion:When weathered rocks and/ |Wind: One way rocks are weathered is by
or minerals are carried away.This can |wind.The wind constantly blows past the
be by water,wind,animals etc. |rocks,over and over again.The friction
Weathering:Weathering is when rocks| will break down the rocks after a
and/or minerals are weathered(or |considerable amount of time.
broken down) by different elements. |
Examples: Plants,Animals,Wind, |
Water. |

Water: One way of erosion is water. |Plant:One type of weathering is by plants
The water picks up the sediments and |.The roots of the plants break into the
carries it till the sediments are |rocks,forcing them apart until the one day
deposited. |they crumble.

Wind: Another way of erosion is wind. |Animals:Another type of weathering is
The wind will pick up the sediments and. |by animals.Animals hooves rub,brush,
the wind will Cary the sediments till it |and grind against the ground.This
deposits them".An example of this would |breaks up the rocks into sediments if it
be when there is a dust storm.The dust |happens enough.
has been picked up by the wind and |
carried.     |

Glacial Ice: Another way sediments | Ice:Another way rocks are weathered is
are eroded is by glacers.The glaciers | by ice.Water will get into the cracks in
move slowly past picking up rocks on | rocks,then the water will freeze becoming
the way.These are deposited when | ice.Water expands when it freezes,so it
the glacier melts. | pushes open the cracks.Eventually
| breaking down the rock.

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Expert Groups Project

By Charlene allison