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The Memorare in the snow - In February 1823, St. Marcellin Champagnat learned that Brother JeanBaptiste was ill in a town far away. Marcelin set out to visit him. Brother Stanislaus went with Marcellin, on their return tripe home, they encountered a terrible storm storm. They were struggling traveling, so both of them prayed the Memorare. Soon after, they saw a lantern, it was a farmer, he let them stay in his house for the night. They were saved.

St. Marcellin Champagnat attended school for a brief time. He failed to demonstrate much capacity for academic work. By age eleven, he had decided that he preferred farm work to the world of books.

2 quotes - "To raise children, we must love them equally forever."

"I cannot see a child without wanting to tell him how much God loves him"

The Montagne experience - Marcellin Champagnat had the idea of instructing others about their faith. After the death of JeanBaptiste he decided it was time to do it. He asked Jean-Marie Granjon to become the first member of a community of teaching Brothers.

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St. Marcellin Champagnat's life

By Dane_Thomas7