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This poor pig has to do all this climbing since its a positive slope.

What is the equation of a line and what are its part?

What is they y-intercept and how do you find it in a equation and on a graph.

The equations of a line is Y=mx+b. M is the slope and b is the y intercept. (The y-intercept is where y crosses the y axis also known as when x is zero.

They y-intercept is the number that y is when the line crosses the y-axis also known as the number y is when x is zero. To find they y-intercept on a graph you find where the line crosses the y-axis and x is zero. The number that y is, is they y-intercept.

You find the y-intercept in an equation by using whatever b is in the equation Y=mx+b, b will always be the y-intercept.

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By hannew

Slope project