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     When Ed got back to the museum he saw that Frèdèrique was sick and she was locked in a room. After Ed talked to her they forced her to leave and they kicked her out of the museum. After a while the kids realized that a giant fire was spreading and getting closer to the museum. The kids from the bus decided to take the truck they got from the tesco and drive across the bridge with the kids inside the truck with David and his group as an escort. The kids from the museum stayed. The bridge was full of kids trying to get away from the fire so it was hard for the truck to go very far. After a bit of time the fire got close and they saw a wave of sick people in front of the fire coming at the children. Ed got some of the tougher kids out of the crowds to help hold off the sick people. While Ed was fighting he met a kid named Kyle who fought along side Ed. The kids from the museum came to the bridge to also help the kids fight. Ed then realized that the truck had abandoned him. The kids that were still on the bridge found a boat that they took down a river but the boat eventually crashed because Matt tried to steal the wheel. A girl that was bitten fell in the water when that happen. The kids still went down the river on life boats but Matt and his acolytes take the other direction. The children then washed up right in front of the Tower of London.

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The Dead Book share

By Daniel