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The plot

     Everybody over the age of sixteen becomes crazy, decomposes and survive off of eating children. A group of kids escape the dorm room they were staying in and on the way out of the school they find a girl named Frèdèrique and another group of kids at a church. At the church a boy named Matt was preaching to everybody about a new religion he had found about a boy who was the lamb and another called the goat. Most of the kids wanted to go to the country side and some went to London. The kids that went to the country side were attacked by sick people and a lot of them died. But the survivors were saved by a bus that was going to London and they found the kids in London while on the bus. The people that had just got on the bus met many people that were already on the bus. The bus driver claimed he was immune to the sickness but he eventually turned and killed his son then tried to kill the kids on the bus. The kids on the bus escaped and found a war museum that was already taken by a group of kids and their leader Jordan Hordan. They told them they will give them water but no food they must get that themselves. So the group from the bus got weapons from the museum and set course for a tesco grocery store. When they got there they found a truck full of food and on the way back with the truck three kids named Jack, Ed, and Bam got off to go to Jacks house. But on the way to Jacks house Jack was shot accidentally by Bam at the oval and Bam was killed by Greg the bus driver who was now infected. After hours Ed finally got Jack to his house and he put Jack in bed and they both slept, in the morning Ed saw that Jack had passed away. When Ed was on his way back to the museum he was attacked by infected people but was saved by a  boy named David and his group.

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The Dead Book share

By Daniel