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Step 3

Water - We will collect water from the streams and swamps, then we will boil the water over a fire to purify it.

Heat Source - Man-made Fire. We will use sticks, a mirror, and glasses to create fire on the ground of the woods.

Food Source - We will build snares to capture animals like squirrels to eat. We will build and farm food that is natural to the environment we are in. If we are in the Sandhills, we can eat Peaches for fruit.

Shelter - We will build a camouflage hut out of fallen logs, bark, mud, and leaves. Or, we will seek shelter in caves and trees.

Security - Each person able to defend themselves like the teenager and young adult, we take turns guarding camp. There will be a night shift of a couple hours and then they trade off keeping watch. Weapons can be made from rocks and sticks for spears. Or, we will need to steal guns, knives, etc.

Basic supplies - These items will have to be stolen or packed to come along with us. Beds can be made from leaves and the fur of the animals we kill.

Medicine - We will steal these, bring them along with us, or make natural remedies

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science pbl

By Amber Amaker

Science stuff