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Where do u need to live?

Blue ridge (mountain) - Amber

We should live in the mountains because of the forest and the caves for shelter as well the forest will provide berries and animals to hunt also there is fresh water and wood to create fire. Plus there is thousands of miles long it would take forever for someone to find us with the protect and the length of the mountain Reigion. We could live in North Carolina because it is the closest to South Carolina and it is a mixture of Sand Hills and blue ridge would provide good protection and food with supplies.

Sandhills Region - Sky

The Sandhills region is located in South Carolina and North Carolina. It divides the Piedmont region from the Coastal Plains. The land is sandy soil which is good for irrigation for agriculture. The land is good for peach production in well-drained areas. There are squirrels, Gopher Tortoises, Northern Pine Snakes, Red-cockaded Woodpeckers, Bachman's Sparrow, and Pine Barrow Tree Frogs that live in this area. Although there are snakes, they are non-venomous and completely harmless. The tree frogs are rarely seen because they are endangered. The area is covered in four different types of trees for agricultural use, but wildfires are very frequent. This area is also populated, so our family would need to be careful and quiet.

Piedmont- Daisi

The Piedmont lies between the Blue Ridge Mountains and the Upper Coastal Plain. Piedmont means "foot of the mountain". It is an area of rolling hills.The Piedmont region is located on flat grassy land. The area has lakes, forests, and rivers. Animals that are located there are opposums, squirrels, ducks, woodpeckers, cardinals, blue jays, and owls. There are many different plants that grow there such as pine trees, oak trees, and hickory trees are also seen in that area. The Piedmont region is a very dominant area with very rich and fertile soil so that our families can survive from plantations; topography was also less rugged.

Coastal- Roman

The coastal region has many resources to use. The palm leaves can be used for fire kindling and sheltering huts. The fish a birds can used as food. Fresh water streams that empties into the ocean. Many trees, water, and trees would ensure my our survival. Plus the ocean creates a territory for intruders.

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science pbl

By Amber Amaker

Science stuff