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Questions #4, and 5


4. Explain the importance of the Battle of Chaldiran.

The first full battle between the armies of the Ottoman and Safavid Empires. The most immediately noticeable factor in the battle was the absolute superiority of the Ottoman army over the Safavids.  The battle also showcased the effectiveness of new forms of weaponry. The finall outcome, however, at Chaldiran had many consequences. Perhaps most significantly, it established the border between the two empires, which remains the border between Turkey and Iran today.

5. How was the Mughal Empire created and who were the key leaders?

The Mughal Empire was founded by Babur, a descendent of the Turkish- Mongol empire on his father's side, and a somewhat recent descendent of Genghis Khan. He was not close enough to the end of the line to rule on either sides of his family, however, and chose to rule in India under the name Mughal. Other key leaders include Humayan, who was drive out of India by Persia invaders, and his son after that, Akbar, who was a successful in not only recapturing lost land, but expanding the borders of the Mughal Empire through military campaigns, but integrate an array of several different cultures into the. Mughal Empire.

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Islamic Empires

By hannansylla

By Hannan Sylla, 5th period