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How does a anthropologists and archaeologists uncover a history mystery?

-A anthropologists is a researcher who studies human behavior, culture, and development.

-Biological anthropologists are professionals that study the evolution of humans and how people are affected by diseases.

-A biological anthropologists study human corpse, animal corpse, and human fossils.

-Cultural anthropologists are researchers who study the ways that humans behave within a group, language, rituals, and relationships they develop.

-A archaeologists is a person who studies human culture by looking at the objects that cultures leave behind.

-Historical archaeologists examine past cultures by looking at forms of writing and recording.

-In January, 1959 and investigation took place on top of Dead Mountain in Russia known as The Dyatlov Pass Incident.

-Investigators found that the tents were cut open and belongings were undisturbed.

Madison McKeel

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The Dyatlov Pass Incident

By Madison