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A. How was the European continent divided politically, militarily, and economically?

Europe was divided politically as several new, independent, sovereign nations emerged from the outcomes of World War II. Europe was separated into two blocs, one supporting the US ideologies (capitalism) and Russian ideologies (communism). The different ideologies of capitalism versus communism divided the continent in several aspects, militarily and economically. Communism is the system of government is totalitarian and the wealth was distributed equally.

B. Why did many individuals leave East Germany between 1949­-1961?

Around 3.5 million individuals left their home of East Germany between 1949-1961 because they preferred the capitalist life of West Germany.

C. Examine the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Why was this organization set up? What were the intentions of the NATO members regarding the Soviet Union?

The organization NATO was set up because of the Russian threat the founding countries found. With the creation of this organization, these countries sought out military support from each other. The Soviet Union retaliated with the creation of the Warsaw Pact.

Global Communism and Containment

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Cold war

By Jon