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Poetry Terms

Cacophony - A succession of harsh, jolting sounds.

- A succession of smooth, harmonious sounds.

Assonance - The repetition of vowel sounds followed by unlike consonant sounds in stressed words or syllables.

Consonance - The repetition of a sequence of two or more sound consonants, but with a change in the vowels.

Rhyme - The repetition of word-ending sounds, specifically the repetition of accented vowel sounds plus an succeeding sounds.

Rhyme scheme - The pattern of rhymes in a stanza or poem. It is identified by the letters of the alphabet.

Internal rhyme - Rhyme that occurs within a line.

End rhyme - Rhyme that comes at the end of lines.

Repetition - In poetry, to occur over and over again.

Verse - One line of poetry.

Stanza - A grouping of lines in a poem.

Refrain - A word, phrase, line, or groups of lines repeated regularly in a poem, usually at the end of each stanza.

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Poetry Scrapbook (2)

By Ryan Lee