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Rebel Wilson is a great role model for demonstrating a growth mindset. She has achieved so much through her growth mindset that has allowed her to grow and reach her fullest potential. This is shown when she was at school and was kicked out of the ‘cool group’. Even though she did go through a period of doubt, she realised that she needed to believe in herself and be more confident so that she could meet new people and create relationships with people. Her growth mindset is shown because she doesn’t give up and rather than thinking that she will stay like this forever, she told herself that she just didn’t have any friends yet, which allowed her to work towards that goal and was successful in doing so by having many great friendships. Her mindset was also evident in her studies because she worked incredibly hard and strived to achieve 100% every time which displays her growth mindset because she knew that she had the ability to work hard and to improve herself so that she could be successful. Because of her growth mindset she achieved so much including massive successes as well as smaller ones, such as creating her own small business (through selling lollies), becoming captain of the basketball team, achieving a HSC score of 99.3, a law degree, being an ambassador for good will, and most of all, becoming an internationally known actress! Being successful is so important to her because since she went to a private school, she thought that if she didn’t deliver, she would be kicked out. However, I also think that it was more than just being at that particular school but because of her growth mindset that believed that she could do anything as long as she was willing to try and work for it. I believe that she is definitely a highly successful woman who I admire. Even though she never practiced law after finishing her law degree, it is still an amazing feat to have completed a law degree and finished school before becoming famous. Rebel is successful because of Rebel. She believed that if she achieved the best education she could get, she could do anything she wanted, which is why having that growth mindset allowed her to succeed in life.



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T&L Reflection

By Tiffany