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Fun facts about G.W. Carver.

-Growing up he was known as the Carver's George**, though when he started school he asked to be called George Carver. He later added a "W." and told his friends that it stood for Washington.

**He was called "Carver's George" because he was the son of one of their only slaves. So therefor he was presumed to be a slave of theirs, using his so called name as more of a property title. As George entered into school he thought that he was his own person, and he was completely right, so he asked to be called George Carver. The carvers raised him as one of their own, so why not adopt their last name as his.**

- After starting his career as a teacher Carver would some times take his classes out to farmers and teach them as well as the farmers directly how to better their crops.

-Later in life, G.W. Carver adopted the nickname of "The Wizard of Tuskegee"

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George Washington Carver

By lindsey