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The Parable of The 10 Bridemaids
Relationship With God
- Be ready and prepared for Jesus' return.
- Jesus is telling us that it is not enough to just have faith
- We must activly believe and be active through prayer, work, and have a willingess to follow in Jesus' footsteps to be welcomed into the Kingdom
- Jesus compares the Kingdom of God by telling us the Parable of the 10 bridesmaids.
- Ten bridesmaids were outside waiting for the bridegroom to arrive.
- Five of them were wise & brought extra oil for their lamps.
- The other foolish five brought only enough to light theirs once.
- The lamps of the foolish ones went out & they had to leave to get their own.
- While they were gone, the bridegroom arrived, and he took in the ones who were ready.
- The door was locked and the other five could not enter.