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•The book follows what is known about the Battle of Thermopylae and gives the reader the feeling that they're actually there.

•One thing that surprised me about my research is when they mentioned the prophecy from the oracle, Delphi.

•"As Herodotus claims in his account of the battle in book VII of The Histories, the Oracle at Delphi had been proved right when she proclaimed that either Sparta or one of her kings must fall," (Cartwright).

•I think this book is a good representation of a first hand account of The Battle of Thermopylae.

•When I first read about The Battle of Thermopylae, I thought the Spartans were a bit stuck-up, but now I realize that they were just trying to work really hard to defend themselves.

•We can relate the way that the Spartans treat their army to the way ISIS treats theirs. ISIS also trains kids soldiers to fight in their army, just like the Spartans began brutally training children at a very young age.

The Book

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Gates of Fire 🔥

By maddie