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Our Glossary Words

Scolex - the anterior end of a tapeworm, bearing suckers and hooks for attachment

Cyst - a thin-walled, hollow organ or cavity containing a liquid secretion

Proglottids - each segment in the strobila of a tapeworm, containing a complete sexually mature reproductive system

Larva - the active immature form of an insect

Triploblastic - having a body derived from three embryonic cell layers (ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm), as in all multicellular animals

Undulate - Movements performed with wave like motion.

Parasitic- living as a parasite.

Pharynx- is the back of the throat.

Scavengers- an animal that feeds on carrion, dead plant material, or refuse.

Rudimentary- relating to an immature, undeveloped, or basic form.

Regenerate- when a living organism grows new tissue after loss or damage.

Bilateral Symmetry - When an organism can be divided into two equal symmetrical halves along the central axis.

Microscopic - Something that is not visible to the human eye, usually require microscopes or magnifying lens to see.

Hermaphrodites - An organism that has both male and female reproductive organs.

Invertebrate - Organism without a backbone.

Ascidians - A sea squirt, apart of the Chordata phylum.

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By Eleni Hatzis ??