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The mummification of the bodies took many days and many steps. First, the embalmers would remove the brain by pulling it through the nose with a hook. Then, they cut the left side of the body and removed the internal organs, except the heart, to place them into canonic jars. Third, the embalmers covered the body in a salt called natron for 40 days to absorb the moisture and dissolve the body fat from the body. Fourth, they used linen to remove the cavities and covered the body with oil, herbs, and resin. Fifth, the embalmers put make-up, jewelry, amulets, and a wig before wrapping the body up with linen bandages for 15 days, with the priests casting spells and rituals that guaranteed a safe passage to the afterlife. They also touched the coffin case with special objects to restore the five senses to the body.


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This is a portrait or painting of an opening of the mouth ceremony (zoomed in a bit).

The Dead

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Mummification Project

By Vanguard Knight