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How to do Addition and Subtraction

Have you ever tried or learned to add or subtract before? If not, here's how. To complete one digit number problems only, you can do a trick called the finger trick. If you need to figure out 3 + 3 you hold up three fingers and then add the other three fingers. To figure out subtraction with the finger trick with 3 - 1, hold up three fingers and put one finger down. The number of the fingers held up is the answer. To add two digit numbers, you first add the ones digit. In 13 + 16 you would add 3 + 6 and do the same with the twos. To subtract two digit problems then just do the same as addition but subtract. To add the 3 digit problems, you first add the one's column. Let's say that you're adding 100+211. You would add 0 + 1. That equals 1. The second step is to add the tens place. You would add 0 + 1 again. That equals 1. The final step is to add the hundreds place. 1 + 2 = 3 so the answer is 311! Here's another example. Another example is 545 + 644. First you add 5 + 4 which equals 9. Then you add 6 + 4 which equals 10. You have to regroup. Put one on top of the next hundred. Put 0 on the bottom. After that, add 5 + 6 + 1. That equals 12. Then just put them down. The answer is 1,209. To subtract with three digit problems, do the same as I do in this example.

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Addition and Subtraction

By Mandi