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Here’s the thing. Amongst a myriad of other connections, there exists an intimate connection between three number systems on the BBS-ISL Matrix (BIM):

1 The Inverse Square Law (ISL) as laid out in the BIM;

2 PTs — and most especially PPTs — as laid out on the BIM;

3 The PRIME numbers — PRIMES — as laid out on the BIM.

BIM is the FIXED GRID numerical array of the ISL.

BIM reveals the stealthily hidden PRIMES relationship in forming symmetrical pairs of PRIMES that are ALWAYS equal distance (STEPS) from ANY given EVEN # divided by two.

All this occurs on the
BIM Axis.

Extracting those PRIME-Pair sets (PPsets) for each given EVEN forms the basis for the
PTOP — Periodic Table Of PRIMES. When you read a given horizontal line from left to right across the PTOP, you see that each given PPset that was contributed by a PPset Trail, adds up — composes — its respective EVEN. The sum (∑) number of PPsets that form its EVEN is totaled in the last column.

The fractal-like addition of one new, additional PRIME Sequence PPset to each subsequent “Trail” formed results in the overlapping trails growing at a rate that far, far exceeds the growth and incidence of the PRIME Gaps. This ensures that there will always be at least one PPset that will be present to compose ANY EVEN.

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PTOP & Goldbach Conjecture

By RBrooks

While “hidden” on the BIM (BBS-ISL Matrix), the PRIMES form PPsets — pairs — whose members lie in equal, symmetrical steps on either side of the EVENS number that has been divided by 2. This geometric, embedded pattern on the BIM can be presented as the PTOP: Periodic Table Of PRIMES. Here, these PPsets form the EVENS. The PPsets become “Trails” of PPsets, that increasingly overlap such that more than one PPset is present to compose a given EVEN. In doing so, they satisfy and prove the Goldbach Conjecture!