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Nurse Bee: Rosaleen

In Chapter Thirteen, Rosaleen finds Lily surrounded by honey and glass after the distraught girl has an emotional breakdown and sends jars of honey crashing against the wall of the honey house. Just as the nurse bee has a gift for nurturing and taking care of the baby bees, Rosaleen mended Lily's superficial wounds with band aids and helped to heal her inner aching with love.

Queen Bee: Our Lady of Chains

Bee Roles

Our Lady of Chains: queen bee- Mary, the mother of all, is there for everyone to lean and provides the constant support and leadership a queen bee would offer to her worker bees. Just as the hive cant function without their mother, the world can't truly thrive and survive without knowing and experiencing the incredible grace of Mary. In chapter thirteen, the beautiful ceremony of Mary Day gives Lily time to forgive her mother and begin to realize that she is not unloveable, as she has strong women like Mary all around who love her.

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Bee Project

By Lizzie Dolan