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The marketing plan is the part of our strategy that will be implemented first, prior to the store openings because it will increase brand awareness in mainland China and the ensure maximum sales potential when the flagship store opens.

The plan will be divided into two main parts, both focused on enhancing the consumer knowledge of the brand and driving their excitement for MCQ's products and innovation through connecting with customers on a level that suits them in the modern age: digitally. Although MCQ don't wish to be know for technological innovation, we must show the customers that we understand them, their buying patterns and if XX% of our customers are talking about our brand in this digital space, we can't sit back and choose not to take part.
We will provide an active voice to listen, guide and influence consumer conversation by connecting with Chinese consumers on Weibo and WeChat predominantly.

Weibo will be used as a practical means for customers to get in touch with the brand. Each province will run their own Weibo account to cater for local needs, all will be guided by an established Chinese format set up by the new social media manager in China. (See documents). Weibo will be launched by a Chinese or South Korean celebrity

WeChat will be a tool for customers to talk to the brand one on one and receive exciting 'WeChat Moments' (similar to Instagram). We will run competitions, provide exclusive content and deal with customer complaints here. This will be set up and updated by the social media manager and individual queries will be passed on to the customer's local store.

Marketing plan

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Marketing and app design

By Beckyokell