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A Public Thank You From Happy Tails Pet Adoption Centre

Twiggy is safe, warm, fed, and happy. I cannot even begin to express my gratitude to all of those who have offered to help, donated to her cause, and stepped up when she really needed it. HUGE thank you's to Debra for posting her picture and arranging her flight and all the details in no time, Jenn & family for driving 25 minutes each way to take her out of the cold for the night, Clive for picking her up at the airport in Winnipeg and taking her to the vet, as well as donating food and funds towards her care, Best Friends Animal Hospital for booking her in when they were already full, Pet Valu Rendeers for the amazing care package when we just stopped in for a bath, and everyone who has donated to her cause! The list of donators continues to grow after just one day, we have received close to $2000 in donations!! This will more than cover all the vet care she will need, and any extra will go directly towards saving other northern dogs who are in similar condition. Please feel free to check this album from time to time, we will post updates as her condition improves!

~ Lisa Filiatrault ~

Twiggy is a young yellow lab who was extremely emaciated & near death when she was rescued from a northern community in Manitoba. At only 13 months of age, she had already had a litter of puppies & gone through a lot more than many other dogs will go through in their lifetime. In less than 24 hours, Twiggy went from starving & frozen outside, to being flown down to Winnipeg, vet checked, safe & warm getting all the care & love she needs! Once Twiggy has gained strength & has been given a clean bill of health, she will be available for adoption to a loving forever home!

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UPDATE: Twiggy has made her CBC News Winnipeg debut!

By LA Bowden

Post Rescue Update With Pictures & Public Thank You from Happy Tails Pet Adoption Centre In Winnipeg For The Support They Have Received For Twiggy 💜 It took a total of 37 minutes for the Norway House Animal Rescue volunteers to arrange transport, find a rescue that was qualified in which to place this precious pup & find dietary resources to have in place upon her arrival. A northern Manitoba puppy has made her way via Perimeter Air to Winnipeg where she will begin her recovery & eventually, when ready; her forever home 💜 Your donations are needed as her road to recovery will be a long, arduous one that will be of extensive financial need.