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The Indus River Valley had two main cities, Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro. There were many accomplishments in these cities and trade was very important, however the civilization declined. Scientist suggests that it was due to damage to the environment. After the decline, nomads called the Aryans came from Central Asia and Europe. They built few cities and left few artifacts, what we know comes from the Vedas, which is a collection of writing that portrays the Aryans as fierce warriors who loved chariot racing, food, and music. Chandragupta was the first ruler of the Maurya Empire, he ruled harshly and feared assassination. His grandson, the next ruler, Asoka, did not believe in violence. He turned to Buddhism and practiced religious tolerance, but apom his death the empire declined. When the Gupta Empire came to power, the Indian subcontinent was united and ensured peace and prosperity. Hinduism, as well as the caste system, had a strong impact on the Gupta society. Caste rules and traditions created a stable society. Buddhism had many similar beliefs to Hinduism and was founded by Siddhartha Gautama. The empire declined 200 years later due to weak rulers and invaders called The White Huns.

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Ancient India

By Allie Weachter