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Art comes in many forms, either through music, dance, painting,nature, and people. It is utilized all over the world in order to portray feelings and events. Art challenges cultural perspectives because art is always changing it is never constant. Because time changes art changes. Through time a culture will change based on what goes on around them;this will influence the art that is produced. This can be seen throughout history in many aspects of a culture whether it be through literature, art, or music. However one thing that remains constant is the language. The language of a culture is also a form of art. Even though many francophone countries are not European, because they speak french they are able to connect with other parts of the world through that aspect of art.

Les Arts ont beaucoup des formes. Pour exemple à musique, danse, peindre, nature, et gens. Art est utiliser tout le monde à illustrer sentiments et événements. Les arts défi perspectives culturelle parce que quand temp changé,art changé. Jusq' à fin temp une culture va changé parce q'eux événements; il va influencer les art c'est produit. C'est idée est vrai dans littérature,art, ou musique. Parce que beaucoup des francophone pays ce n'est pas de Europe ils sont entendre parce que du langue française.


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French project

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