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-The charter granted by Charles II. to William Penn for the government of Pennsylvania was very liberal in its provisions, but not sufficiently so to meet the enlarged views of the proprietor, who at the outstart promised his colonists that they should be a free people and be governed by laws of their own making. In 1682 he published his "frame of government," which was to be submitted to the people of the province for approval. In 1683 this was amended, in the second Assembly of the province, and a charter of liberties granted which made Pennsylvania almost fully a representative democracy. The right of appointment of judicial and executive officers, which was reserved by the proprietors of the other colonies, was surrendered by William Penn to the people, and the government consisted of the proprietor and the Assembly, with no intermediate council, as in Maryland and elsewhere. Yet, liberal as this constitution was, the people soon demanded further concessions and privileges, and Penn, in his last visit to his province, granted a new charter, still more liberal, and conferring greater powers upon the people, who from this time forward possessed a very full measure of political liberty. This type of government should be attractive to any family and the Hopewell family as it gives more power to the people of Pennsylvania.

-Housing: By 1750, residents in Pennsylvania --- the wealthiest and second-most-populous Colonial province reflected their wealth in their homes. Builders used brick for homes in Pennsylvania cities and native field stone for homes in the country. Colonial Pennsylvania builders usually centered the house door in the main wall, flanked with rectangular columns and topped with a triangular element resembling a gable. This type of housing would provide adequate and a safe shelter for the Hopewell family.
-Colleges: An academy that held its first classes in 1740 became the College of Philadelphia in 1755. This is important for the Hopewell family should their children want to go to college.
-Climate: Pennsylvania has a mild climate with warm summers and mild winters. This climate should be suitable for cutting trees in the forest to make furniture and a good climate to raise a family.
-The People: English Quakers were the dominant element, although many English settlers were Anglican. The English settled heavily in the southeastern counties, which had lost frontier characteristics and become the center of a thriving agricultural and commercial society.
Thriving commercial society equals prosperity for the Hopewell family!

Which Colony from the Middle Colonies? Pennsylvania

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Relocation of the Hopewell Family

By Mischele Granato