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Jaguars have several adaptations that allow them to be one of the most successful creatures in the tropical rainforests. Firstly, jaguars have jaws and a large head equipped for piercing the skull of their prey with their canines. Unlike every other large cat, who attack at the neck, jaguars often kill their prey with a single bite to the back of the head. As the jaguar is extremely fast, together their attack method, their sharp teeth and claws, and their speed the jaguar is an unstoppable force on the forest floor. Another adaptation jaguars have is that they are primarily nocturnal, with high activity levels at dusk and dawn when the majority of the tropical rainforest species would be asleep. Another adaptation jaguars posses is the fact they are exceptional swimmers. Because tropical rainforests are usually full of flooded swamp areas, this adaptation comes in handy when they are trying to catch food or simply cool off. Jaguars also have a unique spotted pattern called rosettes which consists of a spot within a spot. This creates a phenomenal source of camouflage for the jaguar. Lastly, the jaguar has a long tail which keeps them balances when they are running, making sharp turns, and climbing, three uncommon things for a jaguar to do in the forest. Jaguars also have rough padded paws to help add traction when running and climbing.

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Science Report

By A.Monay